Stone Meredith
Stone Meredith, founder of the Clever Chicas Project, is an avid traveler and online college teacher who enjoys working with students of all ages as she moves through time zones and cities and towns.
She is Creative Director for the Florida Hemingway Society, focusing on new contexts for Hemingway's writings from Florida and Cuba. Active projects include the Finding Florida Project, a collaboration with The Hippodrome, Florida's State Theatre.
She is also a founding member of Rocky Mountain College English Association and an active member of Florida College English Association. Her current academic work focuses on power, gender, and speech acts. Her current creative writing focuses on 500-word essays and Southern Literature.She holds a Doctorate in English Literature and a Certificate in Rhetoric and Composition. Her research interests include Florida Studies, Ernest Hemingway Studies, Cultural Studies, Film Studies, and Critical Theory.
During her more than 20 years of teaching, increasingly, she’s noticed that women are often quick to praise other women; however, praising one’s self is often a difficult—even painful—endeavor. That’s no bueno. But together, we can change how women see themselves by connecting the special women we meet in our daily lives through this project.
The mission of Clever Chicas is two-fold:
1- to highlight ordinary women doing extraordinary things and
2-to connect women around the world who are united in doing good deeds as a way of life.
Come along with her; follow the page; follow the journey; praise your Chicas and give thanks for their extraordinary deeds.
Clever Chicas uses social media to promote connections and positive messages about all things femme.