rmcea’s 4th annual pop-up conference: what’s right with english education

The video above is the recorded proceedings from the Rocky Mountain College English Association’s 4th Annual Pop-Up Conference hosted by Colorado State University-Global, the University of Northern Colorado, and the United States Air Force Academy.


Welcome to Teacher Resources!

The videos below are part of a lecture series for the Colorado State University-Global Graduate English Courses. Completion of these six courses grants graduates the ability to teach high school students dual enrollment courses that give those students college credit.

The six-course sequence:

Studies in Composition, Critical Theory, History of Rhetoric, World Literature, British Romanticism, American Literature WWI-Present

Following are the videos shared with students on the key concepts of these courses. The videos also discuss key issues and challenges facing teachers working to bridge the major themes, tropes and ideas of the past to the real-time needs of today’s American high school students.


CSU-G Intro to Dr. M

CSU-G Studies in Composition Week 3

CSU-G World Literature Week 3

CSU-G Am Lit WWI - Present

CSU-G Critical Theory

CSU-G Brit Romantics

CSU-G History of Rhetoric