The Clever Chicas Project

Boss Bat Girl…
The femme future of pro ball…
#youknowwhoyouare #cleverchicas2022 #minorleague #dunedinbluejays #ballgirl #pioneer #pioneerwoman #femme #takemeouttotheballgame #dunedin #torontobluejays

Powerful femme pioneer…
First FEMALE manager in pro baseball … #youknowwhoyouare cleverchicas2022 #minorleague #tampatarpons #dunedinbluejays #newyorkyankees #rachelbalkovec #firstfemale #pioneer #pioneerwoman #femme

Welcome to the tribe, Chica… #youknowwhoyouare #cleverchicas2022 #floridabotanicalgardens #largoflorida #flowers #floridagardens #womenhelpingwomen #kindnessmatters #freetovisit

Cheyenne shines —- welcome to the movement, Chica. #youknowwhoyouare #cleverchicas2022 #superserver #clearwaterbeachflorida #changeagent #holdontighttoyourdreams Winter 2022. Three Chicas leading the way in American education #internationalwomensday #cleverchicas2022 #youknowwhoyouare #womenineducation #criticalthinking #collaboration #reachout

Remembering Mary Elinor #internationalwomensday #cleverchicas2022 #youknowwhoyouare #inspiredaughters #thankyoumother

Jordan and Nathan….
Coolest Compañeros on the Causeway…
#youknowhoyouare #cleverchicas2022 #knifeskills #servicewithasmile #dunedincauseway #frenchys #frenchysstonecrabandseafoodmarket #bestservice #kindnessmatters #florida #pinellasbeaches

At the gettin’ place with Marjorie and Kim. Pink Palm Paradise! #youknowwhoyouare #cleverchicas2022 #pinkpalmtampa #lillypulitzer #lillypulitzersignaturestore #dreamdress #tampagirls

Sending big love to Chicas and Compañeros everywhere! #youknowwhoyouare #cleverchicas2022 #valentinesday2022 #biglove #customoreos #oreo #washingtondc #cupid

St John’s Sexton Gee Gee makes our world a better place. #youknowwhoyouare #cleverchicas2021 #isfivedollarsenough #advent #keepingtraditionsalive #episcopalchurch #churchofthepresidents #strongwoman #nationaltreasure

Celebrating Harry and his kindness and expertise… #youknowwhoyouare #cleverchicas2021 #seafoodexpert #dcnative #wholefoods #foggybottom #seafood

The Clever Chicas of Quiet Storm…. Best service in surf wear! #youknowwhoyouare #cleverchicas2021 #quietstorm #foundit #surfwear #myrtlebeach #grandstrand

🍁Fall 2021 Quarterly Commentary 🔗 🎉celebrating Chicas y Compañeros #youknowwhoyouare #cleverchicas2021 #howmayihelpyou #myrtlebeach #foggybottom #summervillegeorgia #quietstorm #wholefoodsseafood #boysandgirlsclub

Practicing radical empathy in Sylvia, NC, with the great rhetorician, Dr Marsha Lee Baker … #youknowwhoyouare #cleverchicas2021 #practiceradicalempathy #harriettubman #sylvanc #bridgepark #downtownsylva

Sola soy…
Grateful in remembrance…
#youknowwhoyouare #cleverchicas2021 #allsoulsday #remembrance #cedarmountain

China Forbes and Pink Martini come full circle on a Monday night…
#youknowwhoyouare #cleverchicas2021 #pinkmartini #chinaforbes #fullcircle #amadomio #peacecenter

Town Mountain’s talent so appreciated in the nation’s capital. Souvenir poster makes devoted fans feel special. Thank you, Compañeros..!
#youknowwhoyouare #cleverchicas2021 #townmountain #bluegrass #thehamilton #carolinaboys

Loving Lee Miller...
War Photographer, Surrealist Icon, and Revolutionary Chica... #youknowwhoyouare #cleverchicas2021 #leemiller #warphotography #surrealism #worldwar2 #dalimuseum #voguemodel #strongwomen #icon #behindthelens #picasso #stpetersburgflorida “Curiosity killed the can of peanuts and opened their creative minds to new ways of personifying favorite folkloric foods.”
-Clever Chicas / Summer 2021
#cleverchicas2021 #youknowwhoyouare #wethepeopletheatre #thehistoricthomascenter #thealligatorsangallnight #summercamp #gainesville #boiledpeanuts #folklore #boysandgirlsclub #volunteers #superheroes #tradition #glorioustruths #everydaytasks #itsthelittlethings #community #georgia #chattoogacounty #4chickens #tomorrowsleaders

Thanks for visitng the clever chicas project home page!
The Clever Chicas Project celebrates ordinary women doing extraordinary things.
Those involved donate their time and talents to making the world a better place.
It is really that simple.
Kind people gather seeking assistance or looking to offer assistance to each other.
Key areas of focus include educational outreach and networking among like-minded Chicas and Compañeros.
We look forward to hearing from you and to finding ways to leverage your talents and needs in ways that can make this Project and our world a kinder place.
Please contact us at the top of the page to get started, and have a great day!